Creating a Free VPS server at Amazon

After registration, log in to Amazon AWS console and choose your region:

Closest place from you will reduce ping to your game server. For example, if you live in Germany then it's better to choose Frankfurt, the same with the other regions.


After the region selection, choose to launch a virtual machine:


Choose the machine image, Ubuntu and Debian are supported by HostGame, it's recommended to choose latest version of Ubuntu:


Select the instance type, be sure that it's free:


At the next step choose to add storage:


Change storage size to the maximum free value, now it is 30 GB:


At the next page you can add a tag to you instance, or just to press Next:


At the next step it is very important to allow All traffic from Anywhere, because game servers use a lot of different protocols and ports:


Choose Review and Launch and then Launch:


Create a new key pair and download it on your computer by pressing Download Key Pair. It will be used to manage your VPS by HostGame:

Finally, press Launch Instances to run your VPS.


To find you newly created VPS choose at the top menu Services -> EC2:


And then Instances from the left menu:


At the Instances page you will see your VPS status:


Copy your VPS IP address:


To add your VPS to HostGame, choose Add a VPS server from the left menu of this site:


Enter previously copied IP address, VPS login (ubuntu, if you user Amazon EC2), and choose previously downloaded Key Pair:


After VPS adding, you can easily create game server on it.