Free VPS from Google Cloud for 12 months

Google Cloud gives 300$ free credit for new customers to explore platform. Customers have 12 month to spend this value.

This article describes how to create a VPS server in Google Cloud for 12 month without pay.

Visit Google Cloud website at address and press "Get started for free".

Sign in or create a new account to continue:


Select your country and continue:


Configure your payments profile including credit card information and continue:


Get 300$ bonus for Google Cloud services:


Click on "Compute engine" from the left top menu:

Wait a little time while Compute Engine is getting ready.


Press Create on VM Instances block:


Choose your VPS name and region. Region should to be close to you, it will reduce ping:


Choose Machine Configuration options. For the most game servers 1 vCPU core and 1GB memory is enough, we recommend to choose General-purpose N1 Custom machine type.


Changing machine parameters will influence on its cost, you can see the cost of machine at the top right corner:


Change Disk size and Operating system:


We recommend to choose 30GB disk(depending on game server) and the latest Ubuntu LTS release:

Press Create button at the end of the page.


After several seconds you will see your newly created free VPS server:


Check it and press Set up Firewall Rules:




Name it allow-all-ingress:


And allow all incoming connections by choosing Direction, Action, Targets, setting Source IP range to and checking Allow all:


Press Create and make the same rule for outgoing traffic, name it allow-all-egress:


After creation there should be 2 new rules:


Select Compute Engine - Metadata from the top left menu:


Select SSH Keys and press Add item:


Enter public SSH key field will appeared:

To fill this field, download PuTTY installer from here:

Install PuTTY application on you computer using installer. Together with the main PuTTY application PuTTYgen application will be installed.

Run PuTTYgen application, choose SSH-2 RSA key from Key menu and press Generate:

Move mouse to finish generation process.


After the key generation, enter username into Key comment field. This username will be used by HostGame to log in into your VPS. We recommend to use ubuntu word:


From Conversions menu choose Export OpenSSH key:


Agree to save it without passphrase:


Name the file as Ubuntu.key and save it on your computer. Together with username this key file will be required to login into your VPS.


After the key file saving, copy the whole content (part of it may be hidden by scroll bar) of public key field: Paste it into "Enter public SSH key" field:


Paste it into "Enter public SSH key" field and press Save:


From the top left menu choose Compute engine - VM instances:


Copy External IP address of your VPS:


To add your newly created VPS to HostGame, choose Add a VPS serfer from the left menu of this site:


Enter previously copied IP address, VPS login (ubuntu in our example, of another you previously entered into Key comment field of PuTTYgen application), and choose previously saved by PuTTYgen key file (Ubuntu.key in our example). Press Add:


After VPS adding, you can easily create game server on it.